Rogue motorist went through red light and the wrong way on a roundabout after racing away from police in Hartlepool

Police tried to stop the vehicle in Richmond Street, Hartlepool.Police tried to stop the vehicle in Richmond Street, Hartlepool.
Police tried to stop the vehicle in Richmond Street, Hartlepool. | User (UGC)
A drink driver raced from police and went through a red light and the wrong way on aroundabout before defeating a police Stinger device.

Officers deployed the spiked mat during a chase through Hartlepool of a Mercedes driven by Dean Montgomery.

The Stinger had no effect and the police had to resort to ramming his vehcile with their patrol car, Teesside Crown Court heard.

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Prosecutor Rachel Masters said the police patrol became aware of Montgomery when his Mercedes overtook at speed.

“The officer illuminated his blue lights,” she added.

“As the Mercedes turned into Richmond Street the officer formed the impression it was going to stop, but it did not.

“A pursuit was authorised, the Mercedes drove through a red light and the wrong way around a roundabout.

“It eventually entered a retail park car park,”

The court heard the Mereceds did several circuits of the car park.

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“The officers formed the impression the driver was looking for an alternative exit,” said Ms Masters.

“There was none, which enabled the police to deploy the Stinger device.

“Unfortunately, it had little impact due to run flat tyres on the Mercedes.”

Ms Masters told the court police resorted to a ‘tactical manoeuvre’ which involved the patrol car making contact with the Mercedes.

“The Mercedes spun round before coming to rest,” she added.

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“This enabled the police officer to get a clear view of the driver, whom he recognised.

“The driver climbed over a female passenger and fled, but was arrested after a short chase on foot.

“When breathalysed, Montgomery gave a reading 98, compared to the legal limit of 35.

“A small amount of cocaine was found on him.”

Montgomery, 38, of Addison Road, Hartlepool, admitted dangerous driving, driving with excess alcohol, and possession of a class A drug, all on July 5.

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Simon Walker, defending, said in mitigation: “Mr Montgomery had significant personal difficulties at the time, which he was trying to deal with on his own.

“He has since sought help from professionals and his family, and he has the support of his employer.

“A further penalty he will have to face is a bill for about £10,000 because the car had been repossessed, and he will have to repay the balance.”

Judge Deborah Sherwin sentenced Montgomery to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, 20 rehabilitation activity days, and banned him from driving for two years.

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The judge told Montgomery: “People can make bad decisions when they are at a low point in their lives.

“Having read the probation report and references, I am satisfied you are now receiving the help you need.

“Suspending the inevitable custodial sentence with requirements is the most constructive way of dealing with you.”